Many children have this question in mind that - Is Santa real? At some point of your childhood, you must also have asked this question from your parents. What will you tell your small children when they will ask you about the reality of Santa Claus? Yes, of course Santa was a real figure. He was actually St. Nicholas born in 300 A.D. He lost his parents at an early age. After that he was brought up in a monastery. For quite a long time, Santa stayed in that monastery where he grew to the position of a 'Bishop'. Later he became a patron saint of giving. He acquired the reputation for giving because he used to give presents to the needy and poor people especially small children who were in need of money.

The depiction of Santa may change in different cultures but his giving nature is same in all places. His clothes may change but his nature will not. Santa was a religious saint who lived his whole life as per the Holy Scriptures. Santa Claus and Christmas are closely related. It is now believed that on the Christmas Eve, Santa Claus loads his sleigh with umpteenth number of gifts, which he drops from the house chimneys for young children. He comes on his sleigh moved by his eight reindeers on Christmas Eve and moves through the skies at full pace. Then he lands on the rooftops of houses to drop the gifts. Children hang their stockings near the fire mantle for Santa to fill them with gifts. Santa Claus and Christmas stockings are also related. There is a story that once there was a poor family where one man had three daughters. He didn't have money for giving the dowry in their marriages so those girls thought they would never get married. One day they washed their stockings and hung them over the fireplace mantle for drying up. That night when Santa was crossing from there, he took out pieces of gold and put them in the hanging stockings. Next morning when the girls saw their stockings, they were very happy because now they could easily get married. From then on people starting hanging their stockings on Christmas Eve so that Santa comes and fills them with gifts.
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